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Round table "Tools for improving labor productivity at enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. A success story"

5 april, 2024

On April 3, 2024, a landmark event took place at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center for enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan, including the BETAR company.

Within the framework of the forum, BETAR took part in the round table "Tools for improving labor productivity at enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. A success story."

The floor was taken by the head of the direction "Optimization of product flows" — the head of mechanical assembly production Rakhmatullin Bulat Damirovich.

It was thanks to his direct participation that significant changes took place at the reference site of the enterprise, including changes in working conditions.

The guests of the forum were presented with a presentation with photographs of the successful use of modern production tools, as well as the calculation of the economic effect of participation in the project, which is nearing completion

The company already has a development plan in this direction for the next 2 years. And we hope that this was not the last meeting of BETAR representatives and forum participants to discuss the current state and prospects of sustainable development, search for optimal ways to solve pressing problems and use the opportunities that open up.